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Rates Consultation

Lisburn Chamber highlights rates review impact in Lisburn

The Department of Finance Land & Property Service (LPS) held an information event in Lisburn in conjunction with the local Chamber of Commerce.

The results of REVAL2020, the business rates revaluation are now public and local businesses attended to learn more about the process and its implications. LPS Regional Valuer, Sharon Magee presented an overview of the revaluation process and took questions from the floor.

Chamber President, Garry MacDonald commented, “The Chamber has carried out some initial research into the impact the new NAV values will have on Lisburn businesses and it appears that many in the retail sector have seen no change or a reduction. However there are some major increases for some and we would encourage our members to go online and check their new NAV valuation as a matter of urgency.”

Lisburn Chamber is happy to advise Lisburn businesses on any issues they may uncover regarding their rates. To check your new NAV valuation, type REVAL2020 into google and follow the online instructions.

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